
创云数据官方 未分类 2021-06-09 1,786 次浏览 没有评论


1. 下载并安装


wget ftp://ftp.supermicro.com/utility/IPMICFG/IPMICFG_1.26.0_20161227.zip
unzip IPMICFG_1.26.0_20161227.zip
mv IPMICFG_1.26.0_20161227 /usr/local/IPMICFG
ln -s /usr/local/IPMICFG/Linux/64bit/IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 /usr/local/bin/ipmicfg

2. ipmicfg使用

2.1 网络管理

#Configur IPMI network settings.
ipmicfg -dhcp off
ipmicfg -k <NETMASK>
ipmicfg -m <IP>
ipmicfg -g <GATEWAY>

2.2 用户管理

#add a new user
ipmicfg -user add <user id> <user name> <password> <privilege>
ipmicfg -user add 5 user2 tbu6LrZqp2lqQvZj 4
#list users
ipmicfg -user list
#set password
ipmicfg –user setpw <user id> <password>
ipmicfg –user setpwd 2 <password>
#delete user
ipmicfg -user del <user id>
ipmicfg -user del 5

2.3 系统传感器/事件

ipmicfg -sdr

2.4 重启IPMI

ipmicfg -r

2.5 fru管理

# ipmicfg –fru BDT 201211121631
Chassis Type (CT) = Unknown(02h)
Chassis Part number (CP) =
Chassis Serial number (CS) = 0123456789
Board Mfg. Date/Time(BDT) = 2012/11/12 16:31:00 (DF 5D 87)
Board Manufacturer (BM) = Supermicro
Board Product Name (BPN) = X9DRD-iF
Board Serial number (BS) = 0123456789
Board Part number (BP) =
Product Manufacturer (PM) = Supermicro
Product Name (PN) = X9DRD-iF
Product Part/Model number (PPM) =
Product Version (PV) =
Product Serial number (PS) = 0123456789
Product Asset Tag (PAT) =
NOTE: We highly discouraging changing the chassis, board, and product serial numbers as they should already be pre-configured by your hosting provider.

